Monday, January 4, 2010

Why I sing against oppression –Africa China

Why I sing against oppression –Africa China

Friday, January 1, 2010

He started out as a rugged musician at Orile, a neighborhood of the popular jungle city called Ajegunle in Lagos. Chinagorun Onuoha, better known as African China has distinguished himself with his brand of music with which he uses to communicate socio-political issues through danceable lyrics and rhythmic instrumentation.

African China


The entertainer who hails from Imo State recently bade farewell to bachelorhood. Onuoha in an interview with Daily Sun in his Festac Town home explained his marriage at the registry and what makes him different from other artistes. He also aired his views on the musical tussle between Timaya and Nico Gravity.

Family man

As a family man now, I can only move with permission, though I have other things I do aside music. Now I am putting everything in place to produce the video version of my new album. I must confess that it’s not easy to be a father, but I thank God for His faithfulness.

Female admirers

All you need to do is know what you do, be careful of the way you relate or liaise with them. I can’t avoid them totally because they are also part of my career. I don’t see women as constituting any obstacle to my career.

What makes me different

It’s all about being focused and trying to be real. I always do what I know how to do well. Having gone as far as this means one has been working with absolute dedication and determination.

My oppositions

I was in the UK when those boys released that song. On arrival I started hearing the song, but as a matured person, I called their producer because the boys are not my contemporaries. I informed them about the implication of what they’ve done. I arraigned them and forced them to withdraw copies of the work from the market.

Between Nico Gravity & Timaya

I don’t think there’s any polemic between the duo, the last time I met Nico; we had a conversation on that and he told me it’s all about music, and the fact that they did a similar thing to me, D’banj, 9ice and many others artistes. My advice to him is not to fight back with music; I think the best way to resolve it is through the legal way or use Gidigbo, which is also part of entertainment.

Singing satire

That is also one of the things that makes me different from any other artistes, I write my songs with figures and facts. When I sang Crises people attested to the truth that there’s crises in the country, I dey sure say you self know say masses day true, true even till tomorrow I wont stop singing about them.

What gave me fame

I think all my four albums have contributed immensely to my career, but professionally, I must mention my debut, Crises which was what gave birth to African China musically

Abandoning jungle music

That is growth and development for you. Yes I started as a jungle musician in the jungle city but now I’ve overgrown that, there are places where jungle music is not welcomed, one must grow.

Crossing from African China to A’China

There’s no change in that, the “A” there still stands for Africa, A’China is shorter and even simpler, that is what most of my friends out there do call me. African Children still Have Ideal Naturally for Africa.

What I love about my wife

My wife, Maryam is beautiful, kind, soft-spoken and indeed real. She possesses almost all qualities that every ladies should have. She has given me one of the best and greatest gifts, God has used her to bless me with a daughter named Princess Onuoha, and we still hope for more.

Why I left Globedisk

One thing I hate in life is stagnancy, one has to grow and develop. Obi Nweke and I may end up working together but I think I am fit to stand on my own now. Music is all about business; if it doesn’t favour you, then you have to make a U-turn. I made him to understand that music goes with maturity but he does not seem to understand me, I have to leave there because the contract we signed had expired. We didn’t have any problem before I left


I have received more than ten awards on merits, I didn’t pay for any of them, that is why I cherish them.

Return of the Legend

I named my present album The Return of the Legend just to make a statement that it is not only dead people who are legends as many would think today. There’s also a living legend, having released uninterrupted album within a decade, putting my London’s experience in my song is more or less the work of a legend

Why I wedded

I did court marriage because I want to prove to my wife how truly and honestly I love her, though I would still go for the traditional marriage in Nasarawa State. I decided to go to the registry to assure her that our love is intact. I love Maryam and I want the whole world to know about it.

Most memorable experience

I have so many negative and positive stories to tell my children, my London experience, my clash with the OPC after the release of my Crises and how I fell in love with my wife are all stories to tell in the future

Artistes I’d love to work with

I think I’ve been able to feature some of the artistes I’ve been wanting to work with, I’ve worked with 2face, Faze, Maggi and others, but people I’d like to work with now are the living legends, they are the likes of Shina Peters, Onyeka Owenu, Bongos Ikwue, Tony Okoroji and Buchi who is into the gospel music.

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